UBB Overseas

As a fashion company that cares deeply about the conservation of our oceans, we felt a personal pull to go to areas of the world that are especially prone to clothing manufacturing waste. Thus, after more than ten years of hauling trash out of waterways across America, we found ourselves expanding our impact to Southeast Asia – partnering with some incredible organizations to help clean ocean-bound trash (and clean up some of the mess from fast fashion, as well).

Our Partners

The innovative teams helping us make a global impact.

  • Sungai Watch

    We work with Sungai Watch to plan and install floating trash barriers in the Sudimara region of Bali. Currently, we have 10 barriers that we monitor and move as necessary, depending on where they can make the biggest impact. In addition to cool trash barriers, our operations consist of a project manager, a team of collectors who remove trash from our barriers daily, and a mobile sorting station to sort, count, weigh, and responsibly dispose of all of the collected waste. The data is used to fuel important conversations with government officials for waste-management programs like municipal trash collection.

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  • Plastic Bank

    Our partnership with Plastic Bank helps to fuel their mission to create a circular plastic economy. Our work with them involves extensive tracking of collected trash, gathering detailed data on where and when each pound is picked up, and repurposing plastic waste into a 100% verified recycling system. Along with waste reduction, our partnership with Plastic Bank helps to alleviate poverty in the Philippines. All of their community trash collectors are offered a premium for plastic materials which helps to fund basic family necessities like school tuition and health insurance.

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